“You must learn one thing. The world was made to be free in.

Give up all other worlds except the one to which you belong.”

-David Whyte

All photography by Jennifer Kim.

All photography by Jennifer Kim.

I chose this poem because it gets to the heart of the matter. The goal is freedom, and the path is to own who you are and to let go of what is not you. For me, this is the essence of growth and healing. 

Of course, most of us do not feel free all the time. Most human lives include periods of feeling lost, alone, or stuck. If you struggle with more significant emotional problems, there may be times you do not even feel safe. My job as a therapist is to meet you where you are, to feel and understand your world.

If you have been stuck, it is likely that difficulties from your past are impacting your present experience. The past creates patterns in our minds and bodies that affect how we see the world, how we carry ourselves, and what we believe is possible. These patterns can be changed and when they do, new worlds open up.